Sunday, August 5, 2012 | By: Louella Marree Cariño

EQ and AQ


The result for my EQ Test is shown below,

Overall Results
IQ score = 116
Percentile score = 86

The Overall Result is consist of the scores in Emotional Identification, Perception, and Expression, Emotional Facilitation of Thought, Emotional Understanding, Emotional Management, and Ego Maturity.

For Emotional Identification, Perception, and Expression I scored 77 which means that,
  • You are typically in tune with your emotions, and are able to identify your true feelings.
  • You seem to have a solid understanding of your strengths and limitations. You generally know what you are good at and where you struggle, and plan your life accordingly.
  • You are comfortable dealing with emotions in general.
  • You were relatively successful on the recognition of emotions aspect of the test; however, you seemed to have had some difficulty occasionally.

For Emotional Facilitation of Thought I scored 83 which states that,

  • You do not have a tendency to ruminate about your problems. Make sure however, that you give an issue in your life the thought and consideration it needs.
  • You approach challenges, setbacks and obstacles to what you want proactively, and in a manner that is conducive to effective resolution.
  • You are generally a positive, hopeful person.
  • When evaluating an issue in your life, you seem to be someone who usually "feels your way" through a situation.
  • You sometimes act in accordance with who you are and what you believe in, although this can be a challenge for you occasionally.

For Emotional Understanding I scored 71 and it means that,

  • You performed reasonably well on the emotional integration part of the test - there a few questions you seem to have struggled on. You likely understand the profoundness of emotions, and how they play a role and impact everyday tasks in life. However, your depth of understanding could probably improve further.
  • When it came to choosing the best approach someone should take to resolve a conflict, you sometimes chose a good approach, but your performance in this area was still not very good.
  • You are a fairly empathetic person, and will try as much as possible to place yourself in other people's shoes.
  • When it comes to being socially insightful your skills are reasonably good. Continued improvement is suggested, however.
For Emotional Management I scored 79 and states that,

  • You are typically able to control your impulses. On most occasions, you will consider the full consequences of your actions before doing something.
  • You are typically very poised and in control of your emotions. You are usually able to self-monitor your thoughts and feelings, and regulate/adjust your behavior in response.
  • You are quite resilient. You can pick yourself up after experiencing a setback, perhaps more quickly than most others.
  • You possess good coping skills. High-pressure, high-stress situations may not be the most ideal circumstances for you, but you will likely be able to cope.
  • You are a self-motivated person. Most of the time, you are able to encourage and motivate yourself to try hard and do your best.
  • You are typically open to learning new things, although you may hesitate occasionally, perhaps if you feel the new skill or knowledge is particularly challenging.
  • You are generally able to not "sweat the small stuff", although it can take effort at times to let go of minor problems or things that you can't change.
  • You are usually able to adjust your social behavior to the situation. You can typically deal with a variety of social situations and personalities.
  • You may have every intention of resolving conflict in the most ideal way, but it can sometimes be a challenge for you when an issue hits close to home. Overall, your personal approach to resolving conflict needs some improvement.
And lastly, for Ego Maturity I scored 82 and it is said that,

  • You are comfortable asserting yourself, and will do so on most occasions.
  • You possess a healthy level of self-esteem. You believe that your opinions, skills and abilities have value and in general you have a positive view of yourself.
  • You seem to be quite content with your life. There are likely several aspects that you are happy with thus far.
  • You strive to act independently, based on your own feelings and desires. You will rarely turn to others for input (unless it's for an objective opinion), or let them dictate what you should do.
  • You are a fairly flexible person.

Truth to be told, I find my results amusing since I didn't know that I am that kind of person. Well, it's not that I didn't actually know, it's just that, it agrees and strengthens with what I am thinking and feeling. And I'm quite satisfied with my results.



It didn't displayed precise results since we have to calculate our own score but this is how they managed to show us the results for the test.

C = Control
To what extent can you influence the situation?
How much control do you perceive you have?
Those with higher AQs perceive they have significantly more control and influence in adverse situations than do those with lower AQs.  Even in situations that appear overwhelming or out of their hands, those with higher AQs find some facet of the situation they can influence.  Those with lower AQs respond as if they have little or no control and often give up.
O = Ownership
To what extent do you hold yourself responsible for improving this situation?
To what extent are you accountable to play some role in making it better?
Accountability is the backbone of action.  Those with higher AQs hold themselves accountable for dealing with situations regardless of their cause.  Those with lower AQs deflect accountability and most often feel victimized and helpless.
R = Reach
How far does the fallout of this situation reach into other areas of your work or life?
To what extent does the adversity extend beyond the situation at hand?
Keeping the fallout under control and limiting the reach of adversity is essential for efficient and effective problem solving.  Those with higher AQs keep setbacks and challenges in their place, not letting them infest the healthy areas of their work and lives.  Those with lower AQs tend to catastrophize, allowing a setback in one area to bleed into other, unrelated areas and become destructive.
E = Endurance
How long will the adversity endure?
Seeing beyond even enormous difficulties is an essential skill for maintaining hope.  Those with higher AQs have the uncanny ability to see past the most interminable difficulties and maintain hope and optimism.  Those with lower AQs see adversity as dragging on indefinitely, if not permanently.

The average score for this is 147.5 yet my over all score is 136 which means I am below average.


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