Sunday, July 15, 2012 | By: Louella Marree Cariño

3 Idiots (Reflection)

3 Idiots
The movie, 3 idiots, depicts the life of a person, especially for those students struggling to go through college. It is a very inspiring and realistic movie that every person who’s watching would definitely be moved. Truth to be told, after watching the movie, countless thoughts were running through my mind. It’s as if a box full of sparkly things was opened before my eyes. Moreover, it made me laugh, it made me cry, and it even made me realize things that usually go unnoticed. Indeed, it is a great movie, one of the best movies in fact.
Furthermore, the characters in the movie are something a person could relate to. May it be Farhan Qureshi, Raju Rastogi, or Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad, each one of them plays a very important role in making it a successful one. To know them even more, the review for each character are shown below.

Farhan Qureshi
            In the movie, 3 Idiots, Farhan Qureshi is someone who is captivated in the world of lenses. His passion is to capture precious moments – for humans and for wildlife. He loves photography so much that he wants to be an assistant of a famous photographer in Brazil. However, those dreams were somehow impossible for him. It is because he is also someone who follows his father’s wishes. Instead of grabbing the opportunity to be what he wants to be, he chose to comply to his father’s demand, which is to become an engineer.
            Hiding his feeling of disappointment, he attended the Imperial College of Engineering half-heartedly. There, he met aspiring engineers who are trying their best to be successful. He also met two people which later became his best friends, and even labelled as 3 idiots. With them, he experienced all the foolishness he never thought he could do. But this acts taught him a lot of lessons, lessons which made a great impact in his life.
His life in college is not that easy. For the reason that they always get in trouble, they are also hot in the eye of their director and often call them idiots. And just because they always hang out with their friend, Rancho, their director always asked them to stay away from him. But then, Farhan couldn’t do it because his friend is one of his precious friends and that is the reason why he can’t leave him. He knows too well that being around with Rancho can’t bring him down. Rancho is his inspiration and he respects him a lot. Even though the news reached his father, which got Mr. Qureshi very furious, he never left them.
Not long after, his friends knew that he desires photography. With them knowing this, they encouraged him to pursue his desired career. However, Farhan knew that he could not bring himself to chase his dreams because of the fear to his father. But as they continue to struggle for their lives, had ups and downs, he realized the important things in life. Farhan realized that fear was ahead of him. He began to understand that doing things without passion will not do any good; instead, it will make things worse and would only cause depression. And with this new confidence, he had also gained the courage to talk to his father about his career.
Though he had doubts about it, Farhan dared to defy his father. Tangled in the heated argument, he stood firm on what he believed. Feelings were pouring as he tried to defend his decision. And finally, his father gave in to his decision and agreed to support him in all the things that he needed. The little step he took, the courage he built, and the confidence he gained, made him overcome fear and face the reality. And by overcoming fear, he had truly found his happiness. Despite of everything he had been through, he was able to pursue his passion and became someone who he wanted to be.
            Through this, I can roughly say that my life can be compared to Farhan. Not minding what I want just to fulfil what the elders, or should I say, my parents wanted for me. Well, it’s not like they’re totally controlling my life. I still have my own choice, and sometimes, they still waits for my decision before taking into action. Basically, it’s just that, most of my actions were based from what they were saying. What does a girl like me can do? I’m inside their wall, dependent to them in terms of needs, still studying and don’t have a job. Of course, I have to obey them, not just for respect but also an obligation as a daughter. In the story, Farhan’s parents bought him what he needed, even beyond what he needed. In exchange, he has to finish the degree. My parents too, treat me like that. They sometimes bought me things even without me asking. And so, I have to do my responsibility as a student and a daughter. Well, even without them telling me, I have to do it as exchange for everything they did for me.
It was also shown in the movie that, Farhan’s future was decided by his parents, specifically his father. He badly wants him to be an engineer despite the fact that he loves photography. He obeyed his father, but in the end, he chose his passion. That kind of thing also happened to me. When I was about to go in college, I can’t decide properly what to choose, though I already told them that there is a certain course I’d like to study. In the end, my father told me to take a certain course, which I certainly obeyed. While I was starting to enjoy what I have chosen, they asked me to change course. But then, I declined their offer and continued studying on what they have chosen for me at the first place. And I think, that’s one thing that makes the difference between Farhan’s life and mine. At the end, he didn’t regret his decision, and I also didn’t regret mine. Cause no matter what happens, the parents are always there to support on what their child wants for their future.

Raju Rastogi
            In the movie, Raju Rastogi is someone who had strong beliefs in religious things. He tends to pray every now and then, wishing for things to go accordingly. As the story progress, it was revealed that Raju was carrying a heavy burden. Due to his family’s social status, he had to pursue being an engineer to raise his family’s wealth and for them to be able to get out of poverty. He was the only hope of their family. However, his life in Imperial College of Engineering was not easy for him since he experienced the different faces of life which leads him into life and death experience.
            Together with his close friends, Rancho and Farhan, Raju often gets into trouble. Being labelled as 3 idiots by their director, they still take things in their own way. But among the three, Raju seemed to be the weakest one, in terms of being strong willed. For the reason that their director told them to leave Rancho alone, and even send a letter to his parents, Raju decided to take the advice and avoided them. But then, in the end, it turned out that his friends are the only ones who could help him in his problems, and could encourage him in their own little way. He realized, they were his important friends and immediately reunited to them. But that doesn’t end his struggle.
            Due to the fact that they are always getting trouble, a certain situation cornered him which led him into confusion. He was told to choose if who should be rusticated, him or his friend, Rancho. Not wanting to let his family down, or betray his precious friend, Raju decided to jump off the building. He was in a state of comatose for two months which made his family and friends to be worried. But then, they never gave up and tried their best to wake him up, and successfully, he did.
            In those two months, Raju realized the importance of his life, family, and friends. He was able to understand that his weakness was his fear: fear of the responsibilities, and fear of what his future may bring. And from that incident, he was able to stand again and gained new confidence to survive life. He stopped depending on his beliefs and strived hard. In the end, he was able to find a job and live a wonderful life with his wife.
            There may be times where I experienced some things same as Raju, but still, committing suicide, didn’t and never ever did cross my mind. I believe committing suicide adds to the problem, not solving any problem. Lucky for Raju, he was immediately rescued and saved his life. It even solved his problem regarding the rustication. However, not all people are as lucky as him. If a person commits suicide, the people left behind will be the one to suffer the loss. There are people out there who are struggling and fighting for their dear lives, but others just waste the God given life. Besides, family and friends are there to listen, understand, and help.
But the good thing about the character of Raju is that he learned from his mistake. He stood up, once again, to face his fears and overcome whatever may come to his way. He learns to value his life even more. And I think that’s one thing that people should learn and do. As for me, I definitely know the feeling of falling down and standing once again. It’s a great feeling, and you know for yourself that next time you’ll do even better. Cause no matter what life may bring, the most important thing is to keep moving on and live life. After all, life is too short to have no fun yet too precious to waste.

Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad
            The movie, 3 idiots, would not be complete without the most important character, Rancho. Rancho or Phunsukh Wangdu, his real name, is a man of wisdom and inspiration. He is someone who would help those who were helpless, encourage that who are feeling down, enlighten those who were confused, and never leaves his friend especially in times of trouble, a good listener, and a great adviser. Indeed a wonderful man.
            Rancho is someone who does things in his own special way. Even if it means defying their director, being humiliated in class, or stuck in a difficult situation, he never fails to get out of the mess while giving important lessons to be learned. Almost everything he does and says, even if it may seem foolish, has a sense. He makes people realize and understand things thoroughly. He is someone you would glad being around with.
            Another thing that is admirable for this character is the passion in studying. It was learned at the latter part of the movie that he was an orphan, secretly attending school and such, yet he still managed to gain knowledge. He love studying so much that he will do everything just to learn, even if everything means studying in Imperial College of Engineering bearing other people’s name. But why would it matter? He may not be carrying his own name, yet he will always carry the knowledge that he had. Wherein that knowledge brought him to what he was years after. This thought only shows that all material things could be stolen from people yet the knowledge would be yours alone and no one could ever snatch it away from you.
            It was also shown in the movie how Rancho cherish his friends especially those who are dearest to him, Farhan and Raju. Since they were labelled as 3 idiots, with him as the leader, his two other friends would always get in trouble. But no matter what happened, no matter his friend turns his back on him, no matter if he got scolded by the parents of his friends, he would never leave them and would always be there in times of trouble. He loves his friends too much that he would help them see what’s right, how reality works, how important it is to consider one’s self and follow what the heart desires. He encouraged them to overcome their fears and face the future with chins held high. He taught them that passion would make everything put into place, and that burdens won’t make a person become stronger, instead they become weak. His words were encouraging enough which earned him great respect from his friends. He taught them everything they could learn from life. Most importantly, he taught them the most encouraging words – pursue excellence, and success will pursue you.
            Rancho is a good friend not only to his close friends, but also to others. Like MM or millimetre, he gave him money to buy uniform and attend school, and later on, when he had his own school, he invited him to go to his school and become centimetre, better yet kilometre. For the student who committed suicide, he helped him finish his project only to find him hanging himself. The incident caused Rancho’s doubts in the school system and believed that it is not a suicide, but a murder. For the daughter of their director, Pia, he immediately noticed how materialistic her fiancé was. He showed her a precise example of his point and gave her an advice which is to run away. However, that incident was followed one after another which made their feelings for each other to grow and develop. And even if they were away from each other for how many years, their love for each other didn’t end. The love became their link and that’s what made them reunite with each other. I guess that’s how love really works.
            On the latter part of the movie, it was shown that after their graduation, he started to live a new life, bearing his real name Phunsukh Wangdu. He became a scientist with 400 patents. Built a school full of technologies and teach students, being chased by Japanese investors and even the person who always challenge him when they’re still in college. All in all, his success is beyond comparison. His life shows that in life, passion, perseverance, strong will, and trust in one’s self are needed to survive the struggles and be excellent. Indeed, life can be measured on how a person handles it.
            If a person like Phunsukh Wangdu existed in this world, I would be his number one fan. Truth to be told, I want to be like him, knowing what to do and say in certain situations, full of wisdom and enlightenments. His words are like can openers and would make you realize that he is definitely right. His actions could make you think that, not everything is taught in school, instead, it is just around us. His foolish acts could sometimes lead into something great which could teach people that we are just humans, and acting foolishness is not that stupid, better yet you could learn from it. His love for his friends could make you love your friends even more. His passion in studying makes you think that working with passion makes work less difficult. His chant, all is well, could comfort you in several ways and could even create a positive thinking.
            With all of those, it is not difficult to love his character. He is close to perfect that there is nothing that I can compare myself with him. I totally admire his character. Not to mention, I learned a lot from him, and that is, I should be aware of my fears and should gain courage to overcome them. I need not to make my life difficult, but make it easy for me to be able to handle it well. Things may go wrong but with confidence and trust in myself, I would be able to go through them. Lastly, the world is a vast place, I should not let myself drown in my miseries, but enjoy the happiness and joy that life could bring.

Which one would you choose?
            The three (3) characters in the movie had different personalities which imparts different lessons to be learned most especially, the main character. It was obvious to everyone that he held a great character that can greatly influence everyone. And because of it, everyone wanted to be like him, even me. Who wouldn’t want it? Even though he lived a challenging life, he still managed to be excellent. He is definitely someone I could look up to. However, he would always remain as someone I admire. His character could never be the one I could refer myself to.
            Now who would I choose? If I were to choose among the three characters on how my life portrays, I think it would be Farhan. How I really wish it was Rancho, but then I knew for myself that it was totally not. Now why Farhan? I’ve already mentioned above how Farhan’s life describes mine. From not doing anything to defy others wishes, to the fear of disappointing others, down to making own decisions. Yes indeed, it was very much like mine. It may sound a little harsh, but I think it is not, if you are looking at the brighter side.  
            I also chose him, for the reason that his progress in life is something I can see in mine too. I used to be a shy girl, just listening to others, sitting in a corner and waiting to what may happen. But later on, as time pass by, as I started to grow up, gained great friends and experienced exceptional circumstances, I became someone I didn’t know I could be. Though some part of me remained, I know I changed. I could not fathom how it actually happened, and what triggered me, but still, I’m glad it did. Just like the Farhan in the movie, from a typical guy, he turned into someone who could express himself, had enough confidence and being able to defend himself. I too, gained confidence and became somebody.
            It was also shown in the movie how Farhan pursued his passion and became successful. And those great things happened after overcoming his fear. For mine too, I could not say I had overcome my fears but I believe that one day, I would be able too. I just have to be brave and trust myself. And no matter what happens, I should not be afraid to try something new. Smile when I’m sad, love what I’ve got, and remember what I had. I should learn from my mistakes but never regret. People could change; things go wrong but, no worries, because life goes on.           


Thanis Lim said...

Beautiful and yes - I agree that although I wish to be the most charismatic hero in the movie - it's not possible - but I'm more of a Farhan. Well written post. :)

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