Sunday, August 5, 2012 | By: Louella Marree Cariño

Guy Kawasaki - Make Meaning

People often find tips, advices and many other ways on how to start a business and making sure that it will succeed or just to keep their business up. And since we are talking about business, money is definitely involved in it, probably the center of it. In starting a business, most people think on how to revolve the money they use as capital or simply, to make money out of it. They were engrossed into it that they fail to think on the real meaning of their business. They tend to forget the main purpose why their business should be put up and why would the people be interested in it. I would be lying if I say I didn’t think the same way, however, the video of Guy Kawasaki entitled Making Meaning, gave me another point, or should I say a better idea on how to make the business a success.  
It was stated by Guy Kawasaki that the essence and core of technopreneurship is to make meaning. Companies which purpose is to change the world and make the world a better place are the companies who make a difference and succeed. As for me, I believe that his words are absolutely right. In the society that we are in, it is essential that the works, products or other stuffs that will be produced should be able to amend our world. The sad thing is that, the usual mindset of people is whenever something or a product is selling big time; they also copy the business until almost all people have the same business. Yes, it would be a hit but the downfall for this is that, the quantity of the product will decrease. However, if people will try to look for something new, will dig deeper as to what this society needs, then they would probably discover a bigger solution, make a deeper meaning with it and improve it in a way that it will cause a big uproar. In this way, people will have better living and companies will be having their way to the top. Making a difference totally counts in making a business since entrepreneurs have to attract people and catch their interest. Since we are in the world of technology, the weirder the product is, the more the people would be interested in it.
            There was also a statement in the video which says that, if you make meaning, you will make money. But if you set out to make money, you won’t make meaning and money. If I were to elaborate what he said, I can say that he wants to tell everyone that creating a business with real meaning, with a strong purpose and concrete goals which would improve the world will definitely make money. It’s like; you’re creating a business that would open up another door for another innovation. Of course, in that way, investors would be lining on the doorstep. It was also stated that if the people who would create business will just set out with just money on their mind, then there’s no way they’ll be able to make a meaning as well as have money. Because you see, if making money is just what they would be aiming for, then they would not be minding the quality of their work, how does it affect to people, how does it appeal to the world or how would it be useful for the people who would be using it. That is why entrepreneurs and technopreneurs should take deep consideration as to what they are doing.
            In the video, Guy Kawasaki gave the key points in making meaning. He said that there are three ways to achieve it, increase quality of life, right a wrong, and prevent the end of something good.
            The first on is to increase the quality of life. In setting a business, technopreneurs should have motivations to continue what they are doing. And a good motivation for it is to think of the people who would be using the product. Like how would their ideas and products be useful for humans, how it could help our modern world, how it could benefit both consumers and producers, and how could it increase the quality of life. Whatever it will be, if the people would think that those products could make their lives easier, then people would flock around it and surely making money with it is just a piece of cake.
            The second point is to right a wrong. In this world, nothing is perfect. Everything and everyone have flaws. Humans may not be able to fix the flaws of people itself, but with things and other stuffs, it could be possible. It could even be a way in making a meaning. Fixing something that is wrong in this world through modern technology is something technopreneurs could do. With these problems, they could come up with a better solution and could work on it. If the product would be something that could end the wrong, people would eventually look up in to it. And if that time comes, that’s when they’ll make money.
            Last key point is to prevent the end of something good. There are things in this world that are starting to change. However, if those things are something that are just too beautiful and could be preserved with the use of technology or other stuffs, then it could be a good way, better yet a good business. In this way, those wonderful things would be able to stay, the entrepreneurs or technopreneurs behind it will have benefits, everything would be balanced and the world will be better.
            If all these key points would become a motivation for a company who would be starting or a just a business, then there will be no doubt that it would be a success. Besides, this will definitely prove that everything is not just about money. People should find and come up for better solutions in order for the people and the society to have a better way of living. With this, success will be assured. After all, making meaning is the core to start something that you want to succeed. 


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