Sunday, August 5, 2012 | By: Louella Marree Cariño

SONA of the President (July 23, 2012)

On the 23rd day of July 2012, President Benigno Aquino III delivered his third State of the Nation Address (SONA 2012). In his speech, he mentioned projects which are related to technology.
The first project which was mentioned is to use gadgets in preventing casualties during typhoons.This project is named Project NOAH, an anti-disaster technology which gives fair warning to Filipinos in order to prepare for and avoid the worst. With these, there is no need for families to evacuate to other places.
Knowing the functions of this project, I believe it would greatly help the people especially people on those areas where typhoons often happens. Though PAG-ASA still gives an overview on the weather updates, it would still be better to have this project since people can’t rely on one source. Besides, if this project will be implemented, there will be no hassle and difficulties for people to evacuate or to other places. Though we cannot avoid casualties, it is still a great improvement if the number of casualties is reduced.
The second project mentioned is employing technology to ensure road safety. As stated, technologies will be used to identify and fix dangerous roads. These challenges will be continued until the end of his term and by then, every inch of national network will be fixed.
People can already see the implementation of this project. It is great of him to use such technologies to totally ensure that everyone is safe while they are driving on the high way. Not to mention, technologies makes people’s work easier, so I bet the road construction will be somehow easier since technology is with them.
The third one is a new hub for tech investors. It was mentioned by the President that Philippines were once debtors, but now, we’re the creditors. It was quite unbelievable but investors started to flocks to us. Even Japanese companies had their interest in our country. For this reason, they wanted to have a new hub to attract more investors.
Now, this project would bring happiness especially for people who are inclined in technology or in technopreneurship. It may bring good opportunities for technopreneurs and this might help the country improve more.
If all these projects and those of who are mentioned in his speech are implemented, I do believe that it would greatly help our country since we badly need it. Though we cannot immediately go in advance technology, it is much better to take it slowly. After all, with these technologies, we can start to change some things that are needed to be changed in our dear land.


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