Sunday, October 7, 2012 | By: Louella Marree Cariño

Major Field Trip and Seminars Travel Report

University of Southeastern Philippines 

Bo. Obrero Campus, Davao City

Institute of Computing


Major Field Trip and Seminars

September 10 – 14, 2012


Submitted by:

Louella Marree C. Cariño


Submitted to:

Randy S. Gamboa


Field Trip Overview
            As part of the curriculum of the BSCS and BSIT in the Institute of Computing, the 3rd year standing students are required to enroll in the subject Field Trip and Seminars. It is composed of three different models namely Model A, Model B, and Model C. And we, the third batch of the Field Trip and Seminars chose Model A with 1 Major Field Trip outside Mindanao, 1 Minor Field Trip within Mindanao and 2hrs Interpersonal Skills. The major fieldtrip was five days stay in Manila, while the minor fieldtrip was held in Davao City.
            The preparation for the said fieldtrip was not that easy. As one of the officers in the FTS class, we have to make the preparations like a bunch of letters, the bank where the money would be deposited, tickets, waivers, meetings, the requirements that would be given to the President so we can go outside Mindanao, the plans and other stuffs. On the other hand, as a student that would go on a fieldtrip, of course we have to take care first of the money, the requirements needed by the officers, then the formal attires and other necessary stuffs for the major field trip. I must say that the preparations were a hassle but then I realized that everything was worth it when we arrived in Manila. It’s like all the worries and stresses were gone and all we have to think is how to handle ourselves in the new environment considering that we will also visit big companies.
            For five days in Manila, we visited companies such as the DOST, MMDA, PLDT, SSS, Tsukiden Electronics Philippines Inc., J.P. Morgan Chase, attended the Y4IT, and had so much in Tagaytay City and Enchanted Kingdom. There, we had buffets on different restaurants hotels, got to see different places, malls, and were able to explore. I felt like the fieldtrip seemed like, it opened a new door of knowledge wherein I got the chance to know the reality better since it exposed us into the real world. In some ways, it helped me think of my future and hope to see myself in one of those companies a few years from now.
            Indeed the field trip was a once in a lifetime experience. What makes it more fun is that, I did everything with my classmates and friends and captured all those moments together. We also got souvenirs and stuffs. It was totally great. Though the time spent in our fieldtrip passed by too quickly, I know and I believe that those days gave a big impact and had a big part in fulfilling our lives.


            September 10, 2012 was the day when I had so many first, first fieldtrip outside Mindanao, first airplane ride, first check-in in a hotel, first time to be away from my parents, and the first day I’d spend time with my classmates, friends, and teachers in Manila. It was indeed the first day of my memorable moments. The moment I was inside the Davao International Airport, I said to myself that this is really is it and that time, I can’t help but feel excited. Though we look so ignorant, not to mention we were dressed in our formal attire, it didn’t actually matter since we’re having fun. After all the necessary process, we waited in the lobby for our boarding. In that hour and a half of waiting, all we did was take picture. Yes, we were aware that people were looking at us, but who cares?
Finally, it was boarding time and luckily, my seat was beside the window. However, no one was assigned in my line, so there I was, seating all alone though later on, I found it comforting. After an hour and 45 minutes, we finally arrived in Manila. There are only few passengers, so it was easier for us to get our luggage and we didn’t waste a single time since the tour bus was already there. Since we are composed of 67 students and 2 faculties, Maynilad Tours divided us into two buses, the big bus and the small bus. Right then, we directly went in our first company visit.
The first company that we visited was the DOST (Science Technology Information Institute) in Bicutan. There, they discussed how their office works; their role as a government institute, their branches which are composed of 21 offices in 17 regions, and their projects. They also presented a video which explained their objectives. Moreover, they were also working on their website to encourage the people to get to know the institute better and to get contact with them.
In their discussion, they tackled a little in the Project NOAH on how it improved the awareness of the people. With the help of their website, they will be able to show people the current status of their place. However, as a science and technology institute, they do not have the full control of the project nor the weather updates, but they have the capability to disseminate the necessary information to the people. 
As for this company, I liked how they welcome their guests and how they tried their best to show to us what their office is made for. They also gave their newsletter for us to know more, and had giveaways such as bar pins and key chains. They answered most of the questions that were given by my companions, though some of it was out of their bounds so they didn’t have the chance to explain further. However, all in all, it was good.
The time spent in their office was not that long since in our schedule, we were supposed to visit them in just an hour so their preparations are  understandable, though I believe that they could impart more knowledge.
After visiting the first company, we went straight to Makati to have a lunch at the Great Eastern Hotel. There, we found that Makati is surrounded with enormous buildings that all I could do in the bus was to raise my head and see how tall the buildings are. The hotel was great and the foods were delicious but in that hotel also, I lost my sunglasses, so clumsy of me.
Right after we had our lunch, we went to our second company visit which was the MMDA in EDSA, Makati. There, we saw how they managed the traffic, how they monitor their CCTV cameras in certain places, and how they react to certain disasters such as flood. They showed to us their monitoring system and explained how they respond to the traffic accidents.
In their discussion, it shows that the CCTV installed in different places help them a lot to reduce crimes by monitoring the suspects. In the case of traffic accidents, they could immediately rescue the injured victims and see which party was wrong. They also presented some videos of traffic accidents.
For this company, we had fun watching the videos they presented. Though we already visited the PSCC in Davao, still, it was good to compare both offices. Their monitoring place was also nice and I’m glad that we had the chance to see how it works.
The company visit for this day ended in MMDA so we had a little break and went to MOA to have shopping. The SM Mall of Asia was indeed big and it would be very nice if we were able to tour around the mall and enjoy the scenery at the SM at the Bay if we were not that tired. Bu then, we were dead tired that all we ever did was sit on the chairs. Plus, it rained a little so we hurriedly went at the Giligans to have our dinner. And from MOA, we then travelled to Pasay City to check-in at Kabayan Hotel. Since the rooms have 3 double-decks, we were grouped into six, all boys and all girls. As for me, I have my friends as my roommates and we were assigned to Room 211. And after placing our things in our closet, we didn’t bother to do anything else and immediately went to bed. After all, we had a stressful day on our first day and our body really need to rest.

September 11, 2012 was the second day of our stay in Manila. Since we slept early on the night before, we also woke up early which gave us enough time to prepare ourselves. We had our breakfast in the hotel and right after, we went to the bus. Since it was still early, we passed by the house of the Aquino’s, the ABS-CBN studion, and stopped at the Pinoy Big Brother House. There, we got the chance to take the picture outside the “bahay ni kuya” and it was a surprise that it was actually small when it looked so big in the television.
            Afterwards, we went back to our schedule which is to go to the University of the Philippines, Diliman to attend the Philippine Youth Congress on Information Technology (Y4IT). When we arrived, the line for the registration was already long, and the worst part is, we were already in front of the UP Theatre when the organizer said that it was already full and we have to transfer to another location and fall in line again. But this time, we were able to get inside the UP Bahay ng Alumni.
            In UP Bahay ng Alumni, the topics were the ICT Competency Development for Inclusive Growth: The TESDA Perspective which was discussed by Ms. Ma. Susan dela Rama, the Executive Director of the Planning Office in TESDA, and the Development and Trends in the Art of Animation discussed by Mr. Benjamin Marasigan Jr, the Chairperson of the Program of the School of Design & Arts College of St. Benilde. On the first topic, the speaker tackled about Marketing like the ways on how to make a product, giving it a price, the proper ways to sell it and how to promote it. She gave some ideas on how to promote it such as digital signages like the audiovisual advertising, data screen like informative television and the likes. It was indeed helpful especially those who planned to have a business and such. On the second topic, the speaker talked about the trends in animations such as Cel Animation (celluloid), separate characters from background, black and white, silent cartoons to talkies, and colored cartoons. He also added the Xerox photocopying technology, the traditional 2D and CGI, digital ink and paint, the 3D CGI Animation, flash animation, and also the stop motion animation. Aside from the trends, he also tackled about the prospects like the Integration of Digital Tools in 2D Animations, 3D CGI Animation in Feature and TV Series, the Integration of traditional 2D and 3D CGI Animation, and the Seamless Integration of 3D CGI in Live Action.
            After the two topics, the morning session ended and we had the time to take our lunch. However, on the afternoon session, we didn’t go back to the Bahay ng Alumni, but instead, we entered the UP Theatre and lucky for us, the seats were available though we knew that there are people who were supposed to be occupying the seats. But then it was a first come first serve basis and we finally had our time in theatre. There, they discussed topics like the SPREAD, the Let’s talk! The importance of a Feedback Loop, the Information Technology in Today’s Digital Filmmaking and Media Content Production, POINTWEST and lastly, the Tech Talk.
            I must say that we were lucky enough to be able attend the Y4IT in UP since it was indeed an enormous event for IT people. Lots of people were there and it was great meeting new people. It was also nice staying at the UP Theatre and the topics discussed were great. We were also given freebies such as ball pen, bag, and certificate. And yes, it was a wonderful experience for IT students.
            I really don’t have anything to dislike regarding with the tour or the congress since it was admirable and the organizers did a good job. I just hope we would have the chance to attend again.
            The seminar for Y4IT took the whole day and we didn’t visit any other company. And so, to commemorate our stay in UP Diliman, we went to a souvenir shop and bought UP souvenirs. The items were quite expensive and the only thing I bought was a UP seal key chain. After leaving UP, we went to TriNoma for shopping and malling. And for the second time, we were tired and sleepy plus the items are expensive so we didn’t bother to look around the mall. Instead, my friends and I decided to search for a nice place inside the mall to have a photo shoot and luckily we found one. We really had fun taking pictures and that was enough for us.
For our dinner, we went to Tramway Restaurant at Timog, Quezon City where they served Japanese food. We also got the chance to ride an MRT from Quezon Avenue to Taft Avenue on our way back to Kabayan Hotel. Another tiring day has passed but then we’re still looking for the next days to come.

            September 12, 2012, the third day of our field trip in Manila. Again, we woke up before the wake-up call and prepare ourselves for another company visit. We had our breakfast at the hotel then went out for the company visit. Unlike the previous day, we went straight to the first scheduled company, however, it turned out that we arrived earlier than expected so we had to stay inside the bus. Since it was a rainy day and it was too early, all we did in the bus was to sleep and I must say that I really had a good time sleeping. At around 9 o’clock in the morning, they woke us up and told us to prepare ourselves.
            The first company that we visited was the PLDT in Mandaluyong City. There, we entered quietly and led us to a conference room. They also gave us name tags so that they would know our names. The room was also cold that everyone was shivering and it was very unfortunate for me since I am wearing a dress. But not long after, they toured us inside and showed us the chronological events from the time the company started up to the present. They also led us to their technical rooms and explained how it works. We also went inside a room where there are products and staffs of Acer. I don’t really understand how we ended in there and why the Acer was there. But I guess, the Acer and PLDT were having a partnership.
            There, it was shown that the company started in year 1928 – 1938 with just 28,579 lines, 927 employees or telephone operators followed by the Age of Destruction in the year 1939 – 1948, the Age of Hope from 1949 – 1958, then the Age of Change in 1959 – 1968. The Age of Control was taken in 1969 – 1978, the Age of Revolution from 1979 – 1988, 1989 – 1998 was the Age of Gatekeeper, the Age of Transformation in the year 1999 - 2009 and the 2009 beyond fast forward. It was clearly seen that the company had its fall and rose again from destruction. The progress was impressive and it only shows that their company was one of the biggest companies in the Philippines.
            PLDT was one of the most known companies in our country and we were lucky that we were able to visit their company. I really like their idea to show the chronological events of their company. For me, in that way, a person would be impressed how proud they were and how they struggled after all those years. Indeed, it was wonderful.
            After 3 hours of staying in the first company, we then took our lunch inside the bus and eventually head-on on our second company visit for the day. Located at the East Avenue in Quezon City, we visited the Social Security System. We all know that SSS is a government institute and every citizen of our country must be a member. Since we’re on the legal age and some of us are already working, they were advised to register.
            Social Security System or widely known as SSS is a social insurance program for the workers in the country. It is a compulsory since the members will also receive benefits from it. The benefits include sickness, maternity, disability, retirement, and death & funeral. The coverage for this insurance would be the employees, employers, self-employed, and voluntary. The mission of this program is to provide users with quality business-driven and technology based system.
            This company is one of the busiest companies since it is always full of people, and just by looking around, you can see that the employees are working hard to serve the people. It’s just that, the ambiance can make you feel like you are also working since we’re on our formal attire. And I can say that big companies such as this one is a wonderful place to work. Though we had a tour, it was not exactly that detailed since we are lacking of time and it was quite unplanned but then we had fun looking around.
            The company visit for that day has already ended so we had a tour at the Intramuros and Luneta, though we haven’t stayed for long but they’ve given us enough time to take pictures with these remarkable places. Right after, we went to Tutuban but we we’re caught in a heavy traffic that’s why we arrived at almost 07:30 and we we’re given 200PHP for our dinner. And with that, we went on our own for our shopping time.
            September 13, 2012, the fourth day in our fieldtrip in Manila. This day was also my favorite day since we really had so much fun. For this day, the schedule of the big bus and the small bus was also different and since I belong in the big bus, we have to leave early for Tagaytay while the small bus will have a company visit first. As for us, it took an hour before we arrived in Tagaytay City. The weather was also in favor of us since it was neither sunny nor rainy and we had a wonderful view of the Taal Lake and Taal Volcano.
            We had our first stop in Tagaytay in the shops where there are souvenirs such as key chains and foods, and I mean lots of foods. As for me, I bought few key chains and foods so that I could let my family taste it. In our next stop, we had an overlook on Taal Lake and Taal Volcano and we had the chance to take a picture on the magnificent view. We also rode horses and it didn’t actually matter that we’re wearing formal attires. Our last stop in Tagaytay was in the People’s Park or the Palace in the Sky. The name totally describes the place since it was so high that you can almost touch the sky, the view from above was totally great, and the place was wonderful. There, I also bought souvenirs such as Tagaytay shirts and key chains. We were given an hour to visit the place and afterwards we went back to the bus so we can have our lunch and visit the company for the day.
            The only company that we visited for this day was the Tsukiden Electronics Philippines Inc. at Laguna. It is an electronic company which specializes on PCB Assembly and such.  Since it is a Japanese company, they observed proper discipline and cleanliness to the extent that they asked us to remove our shoes and wear their slippers.
            It is actually great to think that we were able to visit a Japanese company and I can say that their services were great however; we really can’t understand how our lecture went. I mean, it seemed like it was quite lacking and we were just unsatisfied. But this company really left a big impression for us. That even in the bus, we’re talking about Tsukiden and I don’t know if the company was a very good one.
            But moving on, the bad thoughts fade away after leaving the company since we finally went to Enchanted Kingdom (Ride-all-you-can), the most awaited place of all. I can totally feel the excitement even if we’re still on the bus and I won’t deny that I am beaming with excitement.
            As we entered, I can say that, Enchanted Kingdom was indeed a magical place. It feels like I’m on my childhood again and all I can ever think of is to have some fun and ride all the exciting rides. Since the big bus was the first one to arrive, we have to wait for the small bus to arrive since most of our friends were there and it would be so much fun if we were with them. But since they haven’t arrived yet, we decided to ride the Roller Skater first.  
            Good thing that after our first ride, they finally arrive so we then went to our first ride together which is the Wheel of Fate. The Wheel of Fate is a big Ferris wheel and we went so high that I’m trembling and at the same time, laughing. But later on, we got comfortable because of the wonderful view below. The next ride was the Flying Fiesta where our chairs were swinging and it was also a nice ride. The next one was the Grand Carousel. Yes we were old enough to ride a carousel but it was actually fun. It seemed like we were back in our childhood days and we enjoyed riding the horse while going up and down. After carousel, we started to try a more intense ride, so we rode the Roller Skater. It was my second time for that day to ride the Roller Skater but I didn’t mind. Roller Skater is a mini roller coaster and the only thrilling moment was when it would go sideways. And all throughout the ride, all we ever did was to laugh and we didn’t know if it was really thrilling. The next one, we tried a definitely intense ride, the Anchor’s Away. It is a very intense one since its swinging back on forth and it gets higher and higher, and we were like screaming while laughing. Followed by this ride, we decided to ride the very extreme one, the Space Shuttle. It is a roller coaster ride and even if it was just for how many seconds, I must say that it was enough to make my heart burst. While riding, I’m torn between breathing and screaming and I can’t see anything anymore. It’s like my head was a mess and I can say that it was a very unforgettable ride. But after the two consecutive intense rides, we tried the Swan Lake wherein we rode and drove a swan while we’re on water. It was also fun but I and Nikki didn’t ride for so long because it made us feel dizzy. That was our last ride then we went back to the bus. All in all, we tried seven rides and we think that all of those rides were worth it.
            For dinner, we went to Taste Asia in MOA and afterwards, went straight to Kabayan Hotel to pack our bags for the next day will be the last day.

            September 14, 2012, the fifth day in our fieldtrip and the final day of our stay in Manila. After having our breakfast, we checked-out from the hotel and kept our bags in bus before proceeding to the company that we will be visiting. It was also a rainy day and I think I slept in the bus while we were heading on our way to the company.
            For our last day, we visited the J.P. Morgan Chase, Bonifacio Global in Taguig. Just like what the quote says, save the best for last. The company was indeed marvelous and it was quite intimidating. First they welcomed us gave our nametags saying that we should always wear it while we were staying in the company. They also prohibit us in taking pictures while we were touring or when we’re on a lecture. The rules were quite strict but for the company like them, I think that it was understandable. However, they have vending machines and the drinks were free so we instantly grab the chance.
            J.P Morgan Chase is a global financial services firm with investment, research, banking, finance, insurance, and other business. The company’s clients include the most prominent corporations, governments, wealthy individuals, and those of institutional investors. Indeed, J.P Morgan chase is the one behind the success of famous corporations.
            I totally adored the company and I imagined how fulfilling it would be to work on this kind of company. It was absolutely nice and I can’t help but dream that someday, I would be part of it. However, I know that it will always remain as a dream. Well, all in all, J.P Morgan Chase is my favorite company.
            Truth to be told, I didn’t have anything to dislike on the last company. Maybe because I was totally blinded with my admiration that I didn’t notice any flaws. But really, it was amazing.
            After our last visit, we went back to the hotel to have our lunch and stayed there for about an hour since the buses haven’t arrived. We also changed our clothes from formal attire to just casual. While waiting, we took the liberty to take pictures at the lobby of the hotel. Since that would be the last time that we’ll be staying, we made the most of it and took lots and lots of pictures.
            When the bus arrived, we didn’t directly go to airport; instead, we had a stop in Baclaran to give us time to buy souvenirs and other stuffs. Though it was a last-minute shopping, we still had the chance to buy many things. We also stopped by the Baclaran church. It was raining on those times so we hurriedly went back to the bus and patiently wait for the others.
Our flight back to Davao was 06:15pm, so we have to be at the airport by 04:00pm. But on our way, we were caught in a heavy traffic so we just thought of having fun in the bus. Out tour guides also sang Farewell which they dedicate to us. In return, our classmate also sang a song for them. And so, all we did was to sing until we arrived at the airport.
There, we secured our luggage and things, said our goodbyes to our tour guides and proceed to Terminal 4. Unexpectedly, the line for check-in was too long and we had to stand there for an hour before we can proceed to the lobby. We rode an airplane for the second time, and I was extremely tired that all I could do is sleep. Even though I was seated beside the window again, it was so dark outside and I couldn’t see anything. However, the view became nice when we were about to land since I can see the city lights.
The airplane was not that big so we easily got our luggage. We then went outside and said our goodbyes to each other since our parents were already there. And after an hour of travel, I’m finally on our home sweet home.




                        Field Trip and Seminars is an effective way in making the students had a glimpse of the real world. I must say that the field trip was a great experience for me. From visiting companies, to shopping, to visiting wonderful places, and having a good time in the amusement park, everything was worth it. Well, even though the trip was expensive, the experience was more than enough to repay.
                        The efforts of being an officer paid off when everything was turning well though I cannot say that it was perfect. So for the incoming officers, the work requires real effort so please work on it beforehand. Always see to it that the plans you made are going well and that you all did everything to make everything successful.
                        For the faculties, I really have nothing to say. They did their best in supervising the students in whole duration of the trip and they were like our guardians. We were actually thankful that we have them as the facilitators.
                        For the 4th batch, the field trip is really something to look forward. And if you really want to do it, do your job which is to constantly remind the parents, to attend meetings, to cooperate in all times, and to help each other. And during the field trip, follow all the rules and be conscious of the time. Let yourselves enjoy the moments.
                        I also hope that even when the curriculum changes, the subject Field Trip and Seminars will always be there. It would really be unlucky for the other students if they wouldn’t have the chance to be part of it. After all, FTS is indeed a wonderful subject.

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1.      Abarquez, Argen Pearl V.      
2.      Aberjedo, Che May Ann A.
3.      Alderite, Jon Ares A.
4.      Amistoso, Emmanuel E.
5.      Amora, Kristine Faith M.
6.      Anzano, Jordan M.
7.      Asueros, April Anne A.
8.      Bacaoco, Joanna P.
9.      Barayan, Marco C.
10.  Bargamento, Claire R.
11.  Belayro, Yvonne P.
12.  Bestis, Sheila Mae A.
13.  Biloy, Victorio Q.
14.  Bonto, April Mae B.
15.  Cagnaan, Ruby Jean P.
16.  Canoy, Jeffrey D.
17.  Cariño, Louella Marree C.
18.  Casal, Sherry Ann Marie J.
19.  Catalan, Xevler B.
20.  Chavez, Laian Joy D.
21.  Chua, Rina Richie M.
22.  Comidoy, Nikko P.
23.  Cubelo, Jhun Rey T.
24.  Datoy, Jerland O.
25.  Dela Luz, Chenny G.
26.  De Paz, Ricardo Jr. R.
27.  Diacono, Jose Jr. B.
28.  Dicon, Jonie T.
29.  Espina, Firlyvir T.
30.  Flores, Brian
31.  Flores, Roscel O.
32.  Galindo, Jesmael G.
33.  Gallardo, Jecris P.
34.  Gascon, Miguel Paulo Anthony
35.  Insierto, Jeanie Joy L.
36.  Juarez, Jazel Noreen C.
37.  Larayos, Arpi S.
38.  Lejano, Benjamin A.
39.  Letchadores, Raquel D.
40.  Librea, Eldrin Jay Chit L.
41.  Literatus, Nikki P.
42.  Magallen, Febie Jane D.
43.  Manipis, Ozy Hale D.
44.  Mendez, Kevin P.
45.  Miguel, John Cyril D.
46.  Morado, Welfred L.
47.  Narciso, Loren E.
48.  Obiso, Karina N.
49.  Olmedo, Kleant James R.
50.  Osiones, Vanessa Joy C.
51.  Paman, Jesse Rhey V.
52.  Panoy, Rhea Eleonor B.
53.  Partosa, Therry Charm R.
54.  Perez, Jasper Humprey O.
55.  Polinar, Joemar M.
56.  Reyes, Jomarie L.
57.  Saclauso, Salveah M.
58.  Salar, Mary Ann A.
59.  Santos, Sandina Y.
60.  Sarga, Myrine A.
61.  Sarino, Jefalyn B,
62.  Soriano, Uriel Emmanuel R.
63.  Sumalinog, Fretzeil Mae V.
64.  Tomanding, Khelly M.
65.  Tomas, Jed Wil T.
66.  Torres, Jay Erickson T.
67.  Travilla, Zyra Jane M.


Itinerary   Confirmation

Reservation status        Confirmed

Booking date                 17 Jul 2012

Confirmation number    M4R9NC

The booking process is now complete. An official itinerar  (in PDF format) will be emailed

to  ou shortl  once pa ment is confirmed.

You must produce the following at check-in to receive  our boarding pass:

1.   Your PDF Itinerar ,

2.   Valid passports (for international flights) or photo ID (for domestic flights), and

3.   Valid visas (where applicable)

You ma print this on-screen itinerar for our reference, but it is not admissible for check-in at the airport. If ou do not receive our PDF itinerar within 1 hour, please contact our call centre. For our information, check-in counters open 2 (two) hours prior to scheduled departure and close strictl 45 minutes before departure. For all flights departing India and Colombo onl , check-in counters open 3 (three) hours prior to departure and close 1 hour before departure.

Depart  (DG7023)

10 Sep 12

Depart from Davao (DVO) at 07:45 Arrive in Manila (NAIA) (MNL) at 09:30
Note:  Operated b  :   SEAIR (DG)

Return  (DG7028)

14 Sep 12

Depart from Manila (NAIA) (MNL) at 18:15 Arrive in Davao (DVO) at 20:00
Note:  Operated b  :   SEAIR (DG)

Passenger Details

Khell  Tomanding
(Adult, Male)

Victorio Jr Bilo
(Adult, Male)

Mar   Ann Salar
(Adult, Female)

Ja   Erickson Torres
(Adult, Male)

Jesmael Galindo
(Adult, Male)
Yvonne Bela  ro
(Adult, Female)
Uriel Emmanuel Soriano

(Adult, Male)

Benjamin Lejano

(Adult, Male)

Louella Marree Carino

(Adult, Female)

Passengers & Seat Assignments

MR Khell  Tomanding
DG 7023

DG 7028

MR Victorio Jr Bilo
DG 7023

DG 7028

MS Mar
Ann Salar
DG 7023

DG 7028

Erickson Torres
DG 7023

DG 7028

MR Jesmael Galindo
DG 7023

DG 7028

MS Yvonne Bela ro
DG 7023

DG 7028

MR Uriel Emmanuel Soriano
DG 7023

DG 7028

MR Benjamin Lejano
DG 7023

DG 7028

MS Louella Marree Carino
DG 7023

DG 7028

Note  Operated b   SEAIR (DG)

Ancillar  Items/Services



Prepaid Baggage 15kg
150.00  PHP


Prepaid Baggage 15kg
150.00  PHP

Victorio Jr Bilo


Prepaid Baggage 15kg
150.00  PHP


Prepaid Baggage 15kg
150.00  PHP

Ann Salar


Prepaid Baggage 15kg
150.00  PHP


Prepaid Baggage 15kg
150.00  PHP

Ja  Erickson Torres


Prepaid Baggage 15kg
150.00  PHP


Prepaid Baggage 15kg
Jesmael Galindo


Prepaid Baggage 15kg

Prepaid Baggage 15kg
Yvonne Bela  ro


Prepaid Baggage 15kg

Prepaid Baggage 15kg
Uriel Emmanuel Soriano


Prepaid Baggage 15kg

Prepaid Baggage 15kg
150.00 PHP
Benjamin Lejano


Prepaid Baggage 15kg

Prepaid Baggage 15kg
Louella Marree Carino


Prepaid Baggage 15kg

Prepaid Baggage 15kg

Contact Information


Jhun Rey  Cubelo

Home address

davao city

davao city, 8000 Philippines

Phone number(s)



Email address(es):

Payment Details

Credit card  (confirmed)

PHP  26,339.04

Amount Paid
PHP  26,339.04

Price Details

Fare price
PHP  0.00
Fare Fees and Taxes
Special Services
Booking Fee

To al price

PHP 26339.04
*Note: this amount ma
be due at time of service (Hotel, Activit
, Car) and isn't calculated as part of the total price.





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